The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) was adopted by the Council of Europe on 4 November 1950 and entered into force on 3 September 1953. A control mechanism has been established to ensure that Member States comply with the ECHR and in this context the European Court of Human Rights was established in 1959. In 1960, the ECtHR, which had its first decision (Lawless-Ireland, n ° 332/57 and a judgment of 14 November 1960), began to monitor compliance with the ECHR by the acts and omissions of all member States of the Council of Europe.Turkey was accepted the right of individual application on 28 January 1987 and accepted the ECtHR judgment authority on 21 January 1990, not only its own citizens but also foreign nationals it was given the possibility to apply to the ECtHR against the Turkish State for violations of the ECHR.

To apply to the ECHtR,

  • The assertion to a violation of the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the ECHR,
  • The application has not been submitted to another international agency,
  • The applicant’s position as a victim,
  • If the applicant is an institution, the absence of a hierarchical bond between the applicant and the State to which he complained (e.g. municipalities or village legal entities),
  • The application has not been previously examined,
  • The fact that the significant damage of applicant suffered,
  • The method of domestic remedies to be consumed in an appropriate manner,
  • The application should be made within six months since the final decision, and the application should not be free from the basic.